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Habits of a Stylish Man

Wearing designer shoes, jackets and sneakers is not enough. For that debonair gent who wants to turn heads you need to add some grooming tips to your routine. With so many tips being thrown around we have the ultimate tips for that polished look. Below is our run down.

Wash Boxers

Wearing same underwear repeatedly without washing it is so deviant and juvenile. Like second skin, some guys wear same boxers for the entire week without even flinching an eyelid. The question is so how many times should a guy wash his boxers before he throws them into laundry basket? You should change undies every time you shower, we assume that you bath every day. Not changing undies is bad for your health, as everybody`s undies collects faecal matter and sweat which causes bed smells. Apart from causing a stink, build-up of bacteria will cause sweat and this can cause skin irritation, rashes and itchiness aka jock itch. Regardless of activity, you should own at least seven (7) or more undies to ensure you have one for each day of the weak.


Is it normal to skip baths? We can’t even imagine that. Going a day or more without showering is a total No! No! Shower every day first thing in the morning and at night after a long day. Ensure that you spend not more than 10 minutes in the shower. Why? Too much exposure to water can strip your skin of protective oils causing it to be dry and in this era of the Covid pandemic it`s important to bath.

Smelly Feet

Taking off shoes to just lounge around the house can be a mission for some guys. To avoid smelly feet, always ensure that you wear your shoes on rotation with a clean pair of socks. Never repeat your socks. After bathing, ensure that your feet are properly dry before putting on your shoes and always aerate your shoes everyday. Put your best feet forward.


Long nails on the pinky finger, a common sight? We have heard it all and believe it or not the reasons are gag worthy. For whatever cultural reason or belief, a man should never have long finger nails! Finger nails should always be kept short and clean. Long nails on men portray tardiness. The best time to clip your nail, is just after showering as they will be soft and easy to clip off.


Long nails on the pinky finger, a common sight? We have heard it all and believe it or not the reasons are gag worthy. For whatever cultural reason or belief, a man should never have long finger nails! Finger nails should always be kept short and clean. Long nails on men portray tardiness. The best time to clip your nail, is just after showering as they will be soft and easy to clip off.


The beard can have a mind of its own and can grow in different directions. Whether you have bushy or scraggly beard or you belong to the beard gang it’s important to tame your facial mane. Trim your beard with a quality trimmer. Also buy beard oils to moisturise and to enhance beard growth.


No need to knock us cold with your cologne as colognes and after shaves are meant to complement aftershave. Invest in a high end fragrance. Rule of thumb, you should only apply your fragrance on to pulse points namely at the bottom of your throat, on your wrist, inside your elbow and behind your knee.